For years, professionals have suggested we find enjoyable activities that relax our minds. Coloring is a popular option. With images already drawn out, coloring allows your mind to focus so deeply on the act of coloring that it becomes difficult to focus on anything else.

7 Strategies for Mindful Coloring: FREE Download

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Choose A Shape

Choose a shape within the piece to focus on. Dedicate yourself to completely coloring all circles (or rectangles, or leaves) within the pattern before moving on to another shape.

Choose A Color

By using only one color, you eliminate the need to make a decision about which color to use. This leaves your brain free to focus on coloring without self judgement or doubt.

Follow a Pattern

Chose a starting point, then move through the image coloring a specific pattern. Move from pattern to pattern.

The “Wrong” Color

This strategy is one that can test your ability to suspend judgement. As you color, don’t think about the colors you are using. Grab. a color and go. If trees end up purple and a leaves become blue, acknowledge the feelings you have when you see it, then continue coloring.

Relax your Mind

One of the reasons coloring works is because it allows your mind to focus on the image in front of you. Studies have shown that individuals who were given a blank piece of paper instead of an image did not feel the full benefits of mindful coloring. This may be due to the need to judge our own artistic ability in a manner that may be more harsh than our coloring ability.

Ground Yourself

Allow yourself to focus on the coloring instead of what is going on in the world around you. Use the following statements as reminders:

  • I am using the red pencil.
  • The image I am coloring is a beautiful flower.
  • My hand is moving in circles as I color the sun.

Don’t Judge Your Work

An important aspect of mindfulness is letting go of judgement. Simply admire what you have accomplished. It’s important to work through the feelings of judgement. If you do feel judgement or inadequacy, acknowledge it, then let it

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