Growth Mindset Workbook for Kids

Engaging Activities to Inspire Problem Solving,
Embracing Mistakes, Goal Setting, & Love of Learning
Activities for Kids Ages 10-13
Does your child struggle with confidence, perfectionism, or fear of failure?
Would you like to help them develop habits that will inspire a lifelong love of learning?
Discover how growth mindset can help you learn from mistakes, take on challenges, and become excited to learn new things!
A growth mindset will help you when you face struggles and failures. By understanding that our brains have the capacity to grow and learn, we are more likely to try new things and be more successful.
Why is a Growth Mindset Important?
Having a growth mindset will help you develop important character traits.
Belief in Yourself & Your Abilities
Belief that you can overcome struggles, solve a problem, or achieve a goal. Knowing that you can learn and grow to meet challenges
Ability to Learn from Mistakes
See mistakes and failure as opportunities to learn and grow
Problem Solving
Willing to think “outside the box” and try creative solutions
Able to use knowledge gained from mistakes to create a better solution
Open Mindedness
Willing to try new things, learn new skills, and listen to new concepts.
Able to see a variety of options or opportunities when faced with problems.
Love of Learning
Learning becomes exciting and full of interesting possibilities
Developing a growth mindset takes practice.
This book provides activities that will take you through the process of understanding how mindsets are formed and how they can be molded and enhanced.
This book contains
Over 50 Thought Provoking Activities
A Learning Challenge Journal
Stories of Famous Individuals who Didn’t Give Up
Growth Mindset Quotes
Unlimited Inspiration
Here are a sample of activities you will find in this book:
Daily Strategies to Develop A Growth Mindset
Learning Challenge Journal
Start your journey of lifelong learning today!
What is a Growth Mindset?
What is a Mindset?
How Does Experience Change Mindset?
What is a Growth Mindset?
Mindset Statements
Growth Mindset &. Fixed Mindset
Do I Have a Growth Mindset?
Change the Way You See Challenges
Track Your Mindset
Growth Mindset in Action
Famous Success Stories
How Does Failure Make Us Stronger?
Steps to Success
The Hidden Hard Work
Learning to Learn
You’ve Already Learned So Much!
Inspect Your Interests
Learning in Steps
Learn Something New!
Setting Goals
Make A Plan
Facing Challenges
Goal Map
Do I Have A Fixed Mindset?
Notice Your Mindset
Fixed Mindset Triggers
Challenge Yourself
What if I Fail?
What if Failure Wasn’t an Option?
Learning Opportunities
Make Some Mistakes!
Change Your Perspective
Millions of Mistakes
Grow Your Brain
Unintentional Inventions
Make Some Mistakes
Asking For Help
Why is it Hard to Ask for Help?
Recognize Your Network
Who Can You Ask?
Finding the Experts
Celebrate Everything
Reasons to Celebrate
Celebrate ALL the Wins!
Plan Your Celebration