Rate how often you do the following activities:
- 3 = Frequently
- 2 = Occasionally
- 1 = Rarely
- 0 = Never
___ Eating healthy meals regularly (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
___ Engaging in physical activity (dancing, swimming, walking, running, etc.)
___ Getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night
___ Taking regular vacations or mini-trips
___ Seeking regular medical care for prevention
___ Making time for solitude and self-reflection
___ Reading self-development literature
___ Asserting healthy boundaries by saying “no” when needed
___ Clearly communicating personal wants and needs
___ Comfortably giving and receiving compliments
___ Expressing emotions freely (laughter, tears, anger, sadness, etc.)
___ Engaging in fulfilling professional projects
(Adapted from National Alliance on Mental Illness Self-Care Inventory)
Scoring Add your ratings for your Self-Care Assessment Score:
28-36 – Great job with self-care! Keep it up.
18-27 – Some areas might need more attention. Let’s discuss.
17 and below – Your self-care needs serious attention. Let’s work together to improve.